Fall Organizing – The Counterpart to Spring Cleaning

Are you ready for fall organizing?

It’s about to be the season of pumpkin spice everything. But whether or not you’re a pumpkin latte lover, fall is coming fast. When it feels like summer has barely had the chance to catch hold, it’s hard to face seeing those first leaves turn gold and fall to the ground. But fall has a beauty all its own, welcoming holidays and
memory-making opportunities galore.

Spring had its own list of chores, and now it’s time to tend to everything that fall holds for us. Luckily, taking care of these simple tasks now will definitely pay off when you’re trying to organize for the holidays and facing the stress of holiday shopping, unexpected guests, and shoveling snow. Fall organizing doesn’t
sound so bad now, does it? But where should you start?


Starting with the garage makes sense, because you need to swap out the winter gear you might have stored there and have space to store the summer gear. Bring fall and winter items to the forefront. You’ll want your snow shovel handy, as well as your snowblower if you’ve got one. You can also take this opportunity to dust off winter gear, like snowshoes or sleds.

We have talked about how to organize the garage for summer, but all areas can get cluttered even with the best of intentions. Gardening tools, water toys, lawn equipment, and more, must all find their place again. Time to pack away the pool noodles and outdoor toys. Organize the garage so that all your summer tools and items are neatly stored.

You also should consider how you want things stored until you’ll need them again next year. Avoid moisture around items that can rust or mold and use wall hooks or shelves to keep items off the ground. If you get heavy winters, you’ll want to make sure that there is room for a car or two to keep out of the snow.


When saying goodbye to summer, you should consider packing up the hammock, the pool, and the yard maintenance equipment. Stack patio furniture underneath a covered porch if possible or invest in some heavy-duty outdoor covers that will stand up to winter weather. Make sure to clean and store outdoor items properly, or you’ll have a mess in the spring. For more complex items, like a pool, follow all manufacturer instructions so that you don’t have to worry about repairs later.

Clean before you store to avoid any mold in the spring. You’ll want to pack away cushions, umbrellas, and hammocks that won’t survive the winter otherwise. If there is no place for storage, invest in some outdoor furniture covers. Patio furniture is an investment, and you want to protect it so that you can enjoy it for years to come. Even stone or marble furniture should be covered to keep it in good shape.


While the weather is still good, take the opportunity to clean up the grill. You’ve probably used it a lot in the past few months, and most likely, it could use a good scrubbing. However, this doesn’t mean you have to put away your trusty grill for the winter. Grills can withstand colder temperatures, so all you’ll need is a solid cover that can be easily removed when you want to cook outdoors. Many people use their grills all year long.


Fall is the best time to reseed patchy areas of lawn, trim back unruly bushes and trees, and fertilize – hopefully with the mulch you’ve been creating. For those who enjoy gardening, this is the perfect time to cultivate your plants for a beautiful spring, and a wonderful time to put out some mums. If you plant mums, they will come back up every year. Prepping your garden for the cold weather preserves plants all year long. Don’t forget that planting isn’t just for spring. Plant your bulbs now for spring flowers, and don’t forget to note what you’ve put in the ground. Planting new bulbs can give you something to look forward to when spring does come around again.


If you need a fresh look for your home, bringing fall colors indoors can make a big difference. Exchange pastel colors for warmer reds and oranges and browns. Decorate with pumpkins and gourds for a more festive look. This time of year gives you a great opportunity to pack up summer items, such as your iced-tea brewer and marshmallow roasting sticks. Fall organizing lets you prep for upcoming holidays, weather changes, and anticipated guests. Think about the kinds of meals you’ll be cooking.

Organize your kitchen so that the crockpot and casserole pans are easily accessible, and make sure you can find your roasting pan for holiday meals. It’s fun to look forward to all those comfort meals on cold days.


Everyone talks about spring cleaning, but why are we limiting a good cleaning to once a year? Fall cleaning is a great idea so that your home is ready for holiday guests. Regular maintenance is much easier to handle, and these fall organization tips aren’t as daunting as they sound. With cooler weather quickly approaching, there are many fall cleaning ideas that help you not only stay organized but prepare for the upcoming seasonal changes.

These chores won’t take long at all. You’ll be glad that you used the remaining days of warm weather to prep for the cold months approaching. The leaves will be changing color soon, which will be your hint to get cracking on this fall chore list and be ready for the new season.

Fall organizing and cleaning is easy, and it can also give you a lot to look forward to. Organizing now always pays of later, and seasonal cleaning definitely helps keep you more organized. Once everything is in its place and ready for the fall, you can sit back and enjoy the pumpkin spice flavors of the season.


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