6 Ways To Organize For Winter

We’re not ready to think about winter, either, but it’s smart to organize for winter before the first snowstorm hits. And according to the Farmer’s Almanac, it’s supposed to be a long, dreary, snow-filled winter. So, it’s best to organize for winter before everyone is rushing to the nearest store to buy the last bag of ice melt or get the last snow shovel in stock. You don’t want to be left without the things you need to get by in case an early storm hits. With the unpredictability of the weather these days, it pays to be organized. (Don’t forget to organize your garage so you can fit your car in it, too – scraping ice off windows is not a fun way to start the day). 


While there are commercial grade salts and ice melts available, they can be bad for pets and wear away your walks and driveway. Home improvement stores often have more environmentally friendly solutions, like Safe Paws ice melter. Just don’t wait until there’s ice on the ground to stock up – prices go up and supplies disappear quickly. If you prefer a more environmentally-friendly ice-removal solution, you can always make your own. Mix one tablespoon of Dawn dishwashing liquid, one tablespoon of rubbing alcohol, and ½ gallon of warm water. This will do the trick to prevent slipping outdoors.


Winter calls for a heftier doormat. The decorative doormat of summer day simply isn’t going to grab the dirt and grime (or wet) that winter produces. Place winter doormats at every entrance to your home to reduce the amount of dirt that makes its way into your hallways. You can avoid a lot of mess in the house with a good winter door mat at your front door. It’s also a great idea to have a little shoe shelf at your front door with a water-catching mat underneath it for winter boots.


Weatherizing is one of the most important steps to help you organize for winter. Replacing sheers with insulated winter drapes will keep heat inside and prevent cold air from creeping through your windows. Door guards, which can be bought or made at home with socks, can seal entryways from cold breezes as well. Grab some window sealing kits and start sealing up drafty windows before temperatures get too low.


If a snowstorm hits unexpectedly, you want to be able to bunker down for a few days until the roads are safe to travel. Stock up the pantry with household essentials like soup, pasta and rice. Don’t forget staples like peanut butter and cereal. Canned meats, veggies and fruits will last for several months, and you might want to have a case of bottled water on hand.


As you start swapping out your summer wardrobe for warmer clothing, it’s a good time to clean out your closet of any warmer clothing, old coats, and extra boots you might have. You’ll start to hear a lot about clothing and coat drives as well as requests for donations for families in need. Start a donation pile now as you rotate your closets and dig things out of storage. Anything in good condition should be donated. Anything that isn’t worth donating or keeping should find its way to the trash can.


Every winter, there is the risk of power outages that can extend for days depending on the strength of the storm. One of the best ways to organize for winter is to put together a winter emergency kit. Your kit should be customized to your family’s specific needs. For example, if you or your kids have special dietary requirements, be sure you keep those in mind with your food supplies. Camping equipment can double for emergency supplies in a pinch.

Here’s a list of items you’ll want to consider:

  • Flashlights and candles

  • Extra batteries

  • Canned foods and dry goods that don’t spoil easily

  • Extra blankets

  • First aid kit

But an emergency kit is more than stuff stored in a box for just in case. The most important part of emergency preparedness is a plan. Talk with all the members of your household about what should happen in the event of an emergency.  Be sure that your family considers the possibility that one or more members might not be at home or with the rest of the family when the event occurs and how you’ll keep in touch.


Even if you’re not mentally ready for the colder temperatures, you can make sure your home is prepared and cozy for the winter months. Procrastination is organization’s worst enemy, so make the most of your days to prepare while you still have another few weeks of fall sunshine.


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