Downsizing and Moving with Ease

Moving is always a daunting task, and no one is ever as prepared for it as they think they are. It is considered one of the most stressful life moments we ever endure. So when you’re older – maybe the kids have left home or you’re retiring – embarking on the journey of downsizing and moving can be not only stressful but emotionally challenging as well.

Reduce Stress with the Right Approach to Downsizing

In a recent interview in the Washingtonian, Cris Sgrott explains that downsizing almost always includes an element of storytelling. Capturing the memories that are tied emotionally to the items a person is struggling to decide whether to keep, donate, or throw out can make it easier to distinguish the emotional value from the intrinsic value of an object.  

One issue Cris has run into with older clients who are downsizing and moving is that their children aren’t interested in the stuff they’ve saved for them. One client explained, “"We had these dishes and furniture from days gone by that we thought that they would like. Well, I'm here to tell you the children of that age don't do that anymore. They don't want our stuff. Period."

Downsizing and Moving Guide

Whether you're relocating to a smaller space, transitioning to a minimalist lifestyle, or simply looking at your move as an opportunity to declutter, staying organized is the key to a successful downsizing and moving adventure.

Plan Ahead

Creating a plan for downsizing and moving is essential. Work backwards from the date you must move and set clear goals and timelines to ensure that you can meet that deadline.  Start by setting clear goals and timelines for each phase of the journey.  

“If you are in a rush to move,” says Cris, “I would declutter and pack at the same time.  I would start in areas that are not as essential (garages, basements, storage rooms, etc.).  If you more have time, then I would declutter first and then pack closer to the moving date.”

Decluttering Can Be Emotional

Deciding what to keep and what to let go of can be the biggest challenge for any move, especially if you have stored heirlooms for your children that they do not want. Begin by prioritizing your belongings based on their importance and functionality in your new space. Even if you aren’t pursuing minimalism as a lifestyle, it can be helpful to adopt the minimalist mindset during your effort to declutter. If an item doesn't serve a purpose or, in the words of Marie Kondo, spark joy, it might be time to let it go. Donate or sell items that are still in good condition but no longer needed.

Break the Process into Smaller Chunks

It will be completely overwhelming if you think of your move in terms of the whole house at once. To maintain a sense of order during downsizing and moving, tackle one room at a time. Start with less emotionally charged spaces like storage rooms or guest bedrooms before moving on to more sentimental areas like the living room or bedroom. This step-by-step approach ensures that you don't feel overwhelmed and allows you to track your progress effectively.

Cris suggests, “The secret to success is breaking down every project into smaller projects and taking each one to completion.  It will build your confidence and you'll accomplish the small wins and keep you motivated to continue organizing.”

Systemize Your Packing

When it comes to packing, employ a systematic approach. Begin by packing items you use less frequently and reserve daily essentials for the final stages. Label each box clearly with its contents and the room it belongs to. This not only helps you find items quickly when unpacking but also facilitates a smoother transition into your new home. When you get to your new space, unpack in reverse order – the last thing you packed is likely a box filled with the things you used most.

Digitalize Important Documents

In an era dominated by technology, consider digitizing important documents to reduce the physical paperwork you need to carry. Scan important papers such as financial records, contracts, and sentimental letters. This not only saves space but also ensures that your essential information is easily accessible and secure.

Invest in Functional Furniture

Downsizing can be an amazing opportunity to transform your new home with more practical pieces. Take the opportunity to get rid of things that take up space but provide no function and replace them with multifunctional furniture such as ottomans with storage and floor to ceiling shelving.

Coordinate Downsizing and Moving

Once you've decluttered and organized your belongings, coordinate the logistics of your move. When it comes to moving, you can either do it yourself, reserve a moving truck that you pack yourself, or hire reputable movers. The cost of moving trucks, whether you pack them or have a full service mover, are charged by the foot, which can also serve a motivation to take less stuff.

Staying organized during the downsizing and moving process can help turn a stressful experience into a manageable and even rewarding one. You don’t have to do it alone – the team at Organized Maniacs is certified to help you with all of your downsizing and moving needs.


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