Benefits of an Organized Living Space

An organized living space can be beneficial beyond just having a clean house. In fact, many of the benefits of being more organized have less to do with how your space looks and more with how it impacts you mentally.  

A well-organized home is calmer. You don’t see piles of “stuff” you need to deal with or to-dos that you’ve put off. And because you’re not greeted by clutter and chaos when you walk into your home, you'll experience a sense of peace and clarity.

The Psychology of Clutter

Have you ever wondered why clutter has such a negative impact on our mental health? The psychology of clutter can help us understand why we feel stressed and overwhelmed in a disorganized environment. Clutter not only affects our physical space but also our mental space. When our surroundings are cluttered, it can lead to a cluttered mind.

Clutter overloads our senses, making it difficult for our brains to relax and focus. It can cause increased levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, which can lead to feelings of anxiety and even depression. On the other hand, an organized space promotes a sense of calm and allows our brains to function more efficiently.

By decluttering and organizing our living spaces, we can create an environment that supports our mental well-being. So, let's explore some essential tools and supplies that will help us achieve an organized home.

Why Create a More Organized Living Space?

Before we go any further, let’s stop and talk about what an organized living space is, because it is different for everyone. For some people, everything must have a home so that there is nothing on the counters or tables or beds. For others, the three stacks on the dining room table ARE the organization method that works best – and that’s ok! This isn’t about achieving perfection – it’s about achieving better organization for you – and that can be a very personal definition. So with that in mind, why should you try to create a more organized living space?

Save Time

How many mornings have you spent looking for child’s shoe, homework, or coat in order to get them out the door for school? How much of your time in the morning is spent in stress mode because of it? By creating a more organized living space (maybe cubbies for each child’s shoes with hooks for their coat and book bags), you can spend more time engaging with your child, starting your day and theirs in a better space. No more wasting time searching for misplaced items, and no more feeling overwhelmed by the mess. An organized home can improve your mental well-being and reduce stress. Studies have shown that clutter can negatively impact your mood and increase anxiety levels. On the other hand, an organized living space promotes a sense of tranquility and promotes productivity.

Save Money

An organized living space can save you money, too. Think about the times when you’ve purchased something, often for the kitchen or bathroom, only to discover you already had whatever it was you bought, but you couldn’t find it or didn’t see it in the drawer. When you spend a little bit of time organizing kitchen drawers, pantry space, bathroom drawers, and cupboards, you won’t be rushing to the pharmacy at 10pm because you can’t find a thermometer, or to the grocery store for a certain spice when there are already two bottles of it in the pantry. When everything has a designated place, you'll spend less time searching for items and more time doing the things you love. Being more organized makes it easier to identify what you actually need and what you don't, preventing unnecessary purchases and saving you money in the long run.

Essential Tools for a More Organized Living Space

To successfully organize your home, you'll need a few essential tools and supplies. These items will make the process easier and more efficient. Here are some must-have organization tools:

  1. Storage Bins and Containers: Invest in high-quality storage bins and containers of various sizes. They are perfect for organizing items in closets, under beds, and on shelves.

  2. Label Maker: A label maker is a handy tool for labeling storage bins, shelves, and drawers. It helps you quickly identify the contents of each container, saving you time and making it easier to maintain an organized space.

  3. Drawer Dividers: Drawer dividers are essential for keeping drawers neat and organized. They help separate different items, such as socks, underwear, or office supplies, making it easier to find what you need.

  4. Wall Hooks and Pegboards: Wall hooks and pegboards are excellent for maximizing vertical storage space. Hang them in your entryway, kitchen, or bathroom to keep frequently used items easily accessible.

  5. Shoe Racks and Over-the-Door Organizers: Shoe racks and over-the-door organizers are fantastic for decluttering closets. They provide a designated space for shoes, accessories, and other small items, keeping them off the floor and organized.

These are just a few examples of essential tools we like to use to create a more organized living space. Depending on your specific needs, you may find other items helpful as well.  


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