9 Ways to Fall in Love with Your Home Again

February is the month of love – everything in the stores has to do with hearts, candy, roses, and wine. It’s sometimes very easy to know how to show your love for the people in your life, but how do you show your home some love? Especially if you’ve been feeling unhappy with your home, here are 10 things you can do to fall in love with your home again:


Once the holidays are over and all the sparkle is packed away for the next year, it can start feeling pretty dull in the house. To fall in love with your home again, try redecorating your space. You don’t have to redecorate your whole house; just a room or two can make all the difference. Find some new décor for your kitchen or add some colorful throw pillows to your living room. Create a collage of family photos from the most recent holiday gathering to hang in the den. Just freshen up the space. Changing the layout and adding new decor items can give your home a fresh new look and feel.

Add Plants and Flowers

In the dead of winter, a bouquet of flowers or a new potted plant can add the touch of life you need to fall in love with your home again. Plants like ferns have the added benefit of improving air quality, too. Adding a touch of nature to your home can bring a sense of life and energy to your living spaces.

Create a Cozy Corner

Love to read or relax? Give yourself a cozy corner in your home that can be a welcome escape from normal stress. Move a favorite chair into the space or buy a used one on the marketplace. Add a table where you can sit a cup of tea, and make sure you have a blanket handy for cool evenings. You might even find a small bookcase or shelf to add that can hold some of your favorite books. Soft lighting, warm blankets, and comfortable seating can help you create a relaxing space in your home.

Personal Touches Help You Fall in Love with Your Home Again

Maybe it’s a favorite accent color that you add with art, throw pillows, and new curtains. Or maybe it’s finding a way to display your granddaughter’s artwork on your wall. Whatever personal touches bring you joy, don’t hesitate to add them to your home.

Home Improvement Projects Make You Feel Invested in Your Home

Do you have a project that’s been nagging you? A room that needs painted or an area that needs to be updated? Whether it's a small task like painting a room or a larger project like remodeling a bathroom, tackling a home improvement project can help you feel more invested in and proud of your home.

Appliance Upgrades for the Win

Today’s modern appliances can save you money in the long run because they are so much more energy efficient. And when you add the new smart features, you might be able to enjoy things like the fridge texting you when you need more milk or a faucet that turns on when you wave your hand so you don’t have to touch it with hands that have been cleaning or cooking.  

Fold the Laundry and Do the Dishes

It might seem like a simple thing, but sometimes just getting rid of the clutter of laundry and dishes can help you see your home in a new light. It’s a chore we all love to procrastinate on, but it can make a real difference when the sofa isn’t holding the last three loads of laundry!

Do You Need a Home Office?

If you’re one of the tens of thousands of people still working at least part time from home, it can be harder to fall in love with your home when it is also your workspace. So try to create a corner that’s just for work that can be isolated or separated from your non-work time – even if it’s just a mental separation.


A cluttered home can be overwhelming and draining, but clearing out the unnecessary items can help bring a sense of peace and calm to your home. Decluttering can help you feel less stressed and more at peace when you’re in your home. It can be as simple as cleaning out the coat closet to get rid of all the clothes and shoes that no longer fit anyway. It might even just mean walking through the house with an empty laundry basket and filling it with things that go somewhere else and getting them there.


Spring Forward into Organizing


Executive Dysfunction, ADHD, and Organization